
Check out the site where I read the article that made me want to start this blog. Be sure to read "A Mother's Womb: The Most Dangerous Place in the World for a Baby with Down Syndrome"

Miss Landree had a very busy last few days. We're going to make sure she gets to see and do all of the things any other little girl would. Since Thursday she's checked out the county fair, supported her cousins on her favorite high school basketball team (Go Panthers!) and watched big brother's team score a victory in little league basketball. I think we might have a little basketball player on our hands. She paid close attention and watched the boys run up and down the court. Saturday night she played and showed off at home for some of her favorite visitors. This morning it was off to church. She did get tired and fall apart in church a little bit this morning but overall she's been a really good sport. I have to laugh every time we go somewhere and I hear "I get her next!" or "I'm your favorite, aren't I?" My favorite is "Hurry and let me have her before the baby nazi gets here!" She's so blessed to have so many people who love her! Now we're off to aunt Mary Kay's to watch the super bowl!

My sister pointed out something to me today that I never thought of before. Isn't it fitting that children with Down syndrome so often have bright spots in their hearts? Maybe that's why they're so sweet and bring so much joy. It's a perfect way to describe them. Their hearts are bright!

Latest comments

11.06 | 05:13

This is looking great. Thanks for sharing with us. I appreciate it.


15.02 | 03:00

i go to Church with her Landree at Open Range Cowboy church in whitney texas and she is the Sweetest Little girl ever i love talking to Her

06.08 | 20:30

I have been following your page on Facebook and every single time I see Landree I think I fall more in love with her. You have a beautiful family.

20.05 | 20:06

Shes so cute